
由THHaveliwala著作·被引用3750次—TheoriginalPageRankalgorithmforimprovingtherankingofsearch-queryresultscomputesasinglevector,usingthelinkstructureoftheWeb,tocapturethe.,由THHaveliwala著作·被引用3749次—Forordi-narykeywordsearchqueries,wecomputethetopic-sensitive.PageRankscoresforpagessatisfyingthequeryusingthetopicofthequerykeywords.For ...,2002年5月7日—Forordinarykeywordsearchqueries,wecompute...

A Context

由 TH Haveliwala 著作 · 被引用 3750 次 — The original PageRank algorithm for improving the ranking of search-query results computes a single vector, using the link structure of the Web, to capture the.


由 TH Haveliwala 著作 · 被引用 3749 次 — For ordi- nary keyword search queries, we compute the topic-sensitive. PageRank scores for pages satisfying the query using the topic of the query keywords. For ...

Topic-sensitive PageRank

2002年5月7日 — For ordinary keyword search queries, we compute the topic-sensitive PageRank scores for pages satisfying the query using the topic of the query ...

Topic-Sensitive PageRank

由 TH Haveliwala 著作 · 被引用 3750 次 — For ordi- nary keyword search queries, we compute the topic-sensitive. PageRank scores for pages satisfying the query using the topic of the query keywords. For ...

[PDF] Topic

A set of PageRank vectors are proposed, biased using a set of representative topics, to capture more accurately the notion of importance with respect to a ...
